According to The Independent, the Green manifesto says it ‘will encourage more domestic holiday travel, through removing VAT from UK hotel and holiday home stays and attractions’. The Party also plans to introduce a ‘frequent flyer levy’ which means that passengers who fly often will be charged more than those who don’t fly as much. The proposed changes aim to decrease carbon emission in an attempt to stop climate change.

The idea of a frequent flyer levy will spark debate in regards to the recent changes made by low-cost airline, easyJet. Speaking to The Independent, the airline says it is the ‘first major airline to operate net-zero carbon flights.’ The movement will invest around £25 million each year in ‘forestry, renewable and community-based projects’ – all of which are believed to counteract the carbon emissions of flying. These changes could have an impact on consumers and the way they travel.

In recent months, the need for sustainable tourism has become more apparent and there are some travel insurers that have contributed to a plan of action. By taking measures to remove activities that are deemed harmful to animals and partnering with leading global charities such as the WDC (Whales and Dolphin Conservation) – the insurance industry is showing just how invested they are. As well as providing tourists with more information on how they can be sustainable on their travels, the travel insurance companies are raising awareness on respecting environments.
To find out more on how you can be more sustainable abroad, take a look at our Sustainable Travel Guide.