Fernando's Top Tips

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If you are travelling as a single/solo parent or are taking a child abroad without their parent/guardian, in addition to the child’s passport and visa, you will need to ensure you have the following documents and/or permissions.

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Having to cancel your holiday or return home early due to a close relative, who is not travelling with you, falling ill or passing away will be covered by most travel insurers. Although, terms and conditions will vary across the travel insurance industry, particularly when it comes to existing medical conditions.

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Travelling with a toddler can be an adventure in itself, especially when it comes to flying. The thought of keeping your little one happy and entertained during a flight might seem daunting, but with some careful planning and preparation, you can make the experience much smoother for both you and your child.

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Planning for a holiday is exciting, but while you are looking forward to the adventures ahead, don’t forget one crucial aspect: the packing. Efficient packing not only ensures you have everything you need but, with the strict rules some airlines have with carryon and hold baggage, it can also, minimising stress.

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We’re going to paint you a little picture: you’ve arrived at the airport and you’re full of excitement to finally be jetting off into the sunset. You get to the check-in desk and hand over your boarding pass and passport, only to be met by a concerned frown for the staff member behind the counter.

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So, you’re looking to buy a travel insurance policy for your much-anticipated trip away, but you’re not too sure what you’ll be covered for. Whether you’re planning on waking up in a different city each month or just visiting one amazing destination, we’ve got you all the travel insurance advice you’ll need when it comes to choosing a policy.

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From chewing gum in Singapore right down to eating Al Fresco in Italy, there are quite a few weird and wonderful laws around the world.  No matter how strange they may be to you though…

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If you’re thinking about taking a break with the family, check out these amazing family-friendly destinations. The perfect balance between fun activities for the kids and some down-time for the adults

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What’s better than a quaint little coffee shop filled with the warm smell of coffee beans? The aesthetic is undeniable. As it goes, there are several health benefits to drinking coffee.

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You’ve remembered to turn off the taps and you know you’ve double-checked the locks, but have you remembered to take the right documents with you for your trip away? At Travel Insurance Explained, we’ve got everything you need to know.

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If trains, planes, taxis and ferries aren’t your thing, then whizzing around in your car is a sure way to travel in style… (minus all the back and forth trying to squeeze into that tiny spot – we’ve all been there!)

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In all the excitement of planning a holiday, it can be easy to overlook travel insurance, most people don’t realise that it is one of the main things you need to tick off your checklist. Check out our step-by-step guide here.

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Get inspired to travel across Europe with easy and cost-effective journeys. With incredible ease and flexibility, you can visit Europe’s hotspots using train services that will reduce your carbon footprint.

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Every year, stunning locations are destroyed by eager tourists taking advantage of the Earth’s beauty. Every year, stunning locations are destroyed by eager tourists taking advantage of the Earth’s beauty.

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Despite a holiday being a time to relax and enjoy a break from the everyday hum of life, there is always the possibility that something could go wrong. Injury or illness shows no mercy and seeking treatment abroad is daunting.

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If something goes wrong on holiday, or in fact before you are due to leave, and you have taken out travel insurance it is understandable that you will be looking to make a claim on the policy.

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The holiday season is upon us and as high-spirited holidaymakers head to the airport with visions of sun, sea and sangria there’s every possibility they may not make their planned flight. Not by any fault of their own.

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In this day and age our gadgets are never far from reach, so it comes as no surprise that the majority of Brits will be taking at least one gadget away with them; whether it be to capture memories, keep in touch with loved ones or to listen to music.

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Considering taking your pet on holiday? Just like us, our furry friends need a little ‘me’ time too, and thanks to new laws it has never been easier to take your beloved cat, dog or ferret away with you.

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Did you know, every family member must have their own passport including infants? Although children were once able to travel under their parent or guardian’s passport, this process is no longer valid.

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For many, it means looking forward to relaxing on a beach, or by the pool, with a book in one hand and a cocktail in the other. For a short period, we can pretend to be part of the jet set. For others, it will mean partying till dawn.