The majority of us – myself included – enjoy a nice cup of coffee in the morning to get us going, one at lunch as we catch up with friends and one when we get home because, well, it’s been a long day. So it’s no wonder it was music to our ears when we found out large studies have shown drinking coffee in moderation is in fact safe – and drinking three to four cups a day could have positive health benefits!

People who drink coffee are thought to be at a lower risk of developing some cancers, heart problems, liver disease and even less likely to die from a stroke. But let’s not forget, coffee can be harmful if you are pregnant or suffering from some medical conditions such as high blood pressure, migraines or an abnormal heart rhythm, and your age and lifestyle will also determine the health benefits.

Whilst we enjoy a latte, cappuccino or a skinny mocha frappuccino; unfortunately, this isn’t the type of coffee experts are talking about, instead you should be drinking coffee which doesn’t have extra sugar, milk or cream… so if you’re heading to the coffee machine on a regular basis opt for an americano or an espresso instead.

As we’re on the topic of coffee it is certainly worth mentioning there are holidays that are perfect for all coffee lovers…

Bespoke holiday companies have created workshops, road trips and city trips all designed with coffee lovers in mind. The holiday includes things like visits to coffee farms, the opportunity to taste unique single origin coffee and even barista training. We’re getting excited just thinking about it!

These bespoke coffee holiday’s usually take place in Costa Rica, Columbia and Brazil. Other popular destinations for coffee lovers include Indonesia, Guatemala and Ethiopia. It’s worth noting, a lot of coffee is grown at altitude, the higher up the coffee the more complex the flavours, and you may need to trek to visit the higher coffee farms. So when arranging travel insurance check the height above sea level you would be covered for, most standard travel insurance policies will only offer cover for trekking up to 1000 meters above sea level. Some farms are over 1800 meters above sea level, so you may need to buy extra cover.