Travel insurance based on price?

Tempted to book your travel insurance through a price comparison site? Think again. Although we may feel using a comparison site is the most effect way of finding a policy…

Black Friday is almost here…

November 24th is fast approaching and bargain-mad shoppers are anxiously counting down the days, hours, even minutes to this year’s Black Friday. For many, Black Friday is the perfect…

Category: Lifestyle

Wake up in the City that never sleeps…

Brits who have been dreaming of exploring New York City but never had the budget could be in for a treat. Budget Icelandic airline, WOW is now offering flights…

Ready for Virgin’s HoliDOs challenge?

Have you heard? Virgin Holidays will be sending one lucky winner away for a four-week holiday in North America, but wait for it…trialling 50 – yes 50! – of the craziest activities.

As the pound plummets, staycations rise

Those who travel to Europe may have noticed the exchange rate is not particularly appealing. So, what has caused this decrease and it is worth travelling to Europe?

Category: Lifestyle, UK Travel

The Plague – is Madagascar safe?

Although plague outbreaks are not unexpected in Madagascar, the recent outbreak of pneumonic plague – the deadliest form – has been described as a concern.

NYC Terror Attack – Travel Advice

Eight people have been killed and a further eleven injured in New York City after a rental truck mounted a bike path before crashing into a school bus. The incident, which happened shortly after 3pm…

Have you got your tickets ready?

Formula 1 enthusiasts will know, this Saturday’s Mexican Grand Prix promises to be an exciting race. With Mercedes driver, Lewis Hamilton 66 points ahead of Ferrari’s Vettel…

Category: Lifestyle

Brexit and your holiday flights

Brexit. The word that’s at the forefront of everyone’s mind. With Britain set to leave the EU in March 2019 negotiations are well and truly underway, but it is not yet clear how Brexit…

As the NHS struggles, Brits head abroad

For many Brits travelling abroad is for no other reason than spending a week relaxing in the sun, for others it’s for lifesaving surgery. As the NHS struggles to cope with an increase in demand…

The fate of the EHIC

Formal negotiations for Brexit are well and truly underway, and since the announcement in June 2016 that Britain will be leaving the European Union (EU) the fate of the EHIC…

UK roads cause chaos for holidaymakers

It is safe to say everyone has experienced the frustration of being stuck in traffic at some point, and with approximately 3,700 traffic jams a day on UK motorways and A roads.

Category: UK Travel

Is Gastritis really the New Whiplash?

You may have noticed in the news lately that the Government are looking to crack down on those who are making fraudulent claims of ‘upset stomachs’ or ‘food poisoning’ whilst on holiday.

Category: Lifestyle, Medical

BA Check-in-crisis – What compensation can you get?

British Airways (BA) suffered another serious systems failure when a technical fault caused flight delays and the BA online check-in system malfunctioned causing chaos…

Category: Press Releases

Summer getaway turns into a disaster?

The summer holiday season has begun and families, couples and friends are ready to head out into the sun for a few weeks of relaxing by the pool, sitting on the beach and taking part in fun activities.

Brits advised to look before they leap during their summer holidays

Over half of brits (57%) see holidays as a chance to undertake activities and experiences they wouldn’t normally take part in at home Over a quarter of Brits (28%) state they are more likely…

Category: Press Releases

Three in five Brits missing vital information about their travel insurance

British families heading off on a half-term holiday break this month, could be missing out on vital information about their travel insurance, which could leave them under insuring…

Category: Press Releases

The Cost of a Missed Flight

Ryanair is in crisis after announcing the cancellation of 40-50 flights per day over 6 weeks, leaving thousands of travellers’ plans in chaos. The issue has raised an important aspect…